Month: April 2020

How I Found My Niche

Welcome to my first ever blog. I’m delighted that you’ve taken the time to join me and hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. Never thought I’d find myself saying that I enjoyed writing, but I really do.

As a child I struggled at school. I hated being the one asking for help & not getting any, so in the end I stopped asking. I do recall at secondary school having a wonderful science teacher named Mrs Mason who had faith in my abilities as did my form tutor Mr Watson who was also my Geography teacher. I left Dearneside Comprehensive June 1979, never having been kissed behind the bike sheds like the popular girls. I had 2 C grades in Biology & Geography, but not much else. My favourite memory was that of the cherry blossom that lined the entrance ….

I fared much better when I attended Barnsley College doing subjects I’d chosen and enjoyed. Being a miner’s daughter I had a good work ethic. I worked from the day I left school, first job at almost 16 behind the bar at Ings Lane Social & Social Club in the pit village of Bolton on Dearne where I grew up. This gave me a good grounding & I have fond memories.

After a life of ups & downs, I found myself (through choice) a 46 year old single mum of 3 boys. This was the hardest but most rewarding job ever. I always had the love and support of my Mum & Dad who always believed in me & encouraged me in whatever I did.

Both my parents were quite creative- Dad with his DIY. I recall he once came feet first through my kitchen ceiling whilst working on a job in my bathroom above. Mum was  a skilled seamstress. When me and my sister were growing up she’d make us matching outfits. I had the latest Rarra Skirt in every colour imaginable. She was a good cook too.  We never had much money growing up but we were loved and well fed. 

Sadly I lost my Dad in 2014 and mum 3 years later in 2017 both to Cancer. My world was turned upside down. I didnt cope well after losing Mum & decided to leave my job in Education. I needed time to grieve. My therapy was painting. I worked on furniture for  friends & had a small shop but knew it wasn’t where my passion lay. Much of the work I did was inherited furniture & it gave such comfort to families, re-loving what once would have been sent to the skip.

At 55, I realised, THIS was what I loved to do.  So in January 2020 I decided to Niche my business & focus on  Memorial Commision Work under the brand of Forget Me Not Furniture & the rest, as they say, is history or it will be once this Virus does one!!!!